I love November! I am so excited that my hubby has decided to go NoShaveNovember this year. He had a beard and mustache when we met and after shaving clean for our wedding, he maintained a beard and / or mustache for many years. But the last few years he has been clean shaven and I have missed the facial hair. And on a sillier note, my DS who is 16 is also participating. We can't really tell though! I keep telling him to shave more frequently to get a heavier beard but what does a mom know?
And for me, this November means that I am trying my hand at writing my own book with NaNoWriMo. I have several beginnings in my past but this year I have made the commitment to go forward and so far - so good! If you are participating in NaNoWriMo, feel free to add me as a buddy.
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